Harder than I’d thought

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~ Winston Churchill

       I’d thought that learning Hindi would be a breeze once I got here, for everyone would be speaking it 24/7. That’s totally not the case.                          

    The cousins I’ve been staying with know English, and so I’ve fallen into the pattern of not speaking Hindi out of convenience.  It’s just that I feel like I sound stupid whenever I try, like all those foreign born people in Bollywood movies that I used to make fun of 😖. 

    But we all must work hard to gain what we need, so I guess that sounding stupid is one of the steps to learning a new language. And I desperately need to learn it if I want people to pay attention to me when I teach. The thing is that I’m the minority here. In the U.S., people make fun of those with foreign accents the same way they do here. It’s just a part of life that I have to accept if I am to overcome it.

So it’s time to step out of the comfort zone that I’ve snuggled into over the past week and jump right into it. AHHHHHHHH!!!!

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